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Life in Costa Rica

          Many people from different countries make Costa Rica their new home every year, and we have years of experience in all aspects of legal residency and relocation help. Come and enjoy the climate, the mountains and beaches, the rainforests, and the great warmth of the people. These are some of the reasons why Costa Rica is such a popular location for living and retirement.

Life Style

          Costa Rica is one of the oldest democracies in Latin America and enjoys political and economic stability and a low crime rate. Tourism has seen an unprecedented growth in the last years with many people from the United States of America and Europe visiting the countryside and beaches. Costa Rica offers great homes and real estate at low prices in a great climate with a low cost of living. Costa Rica is Pura Vida, which means No Worries. Costa Ricans are very friendly and hospitable, and is considered the happiest country in Latin America and maybe the world. Unlike any other country you truly do get away.

Cost of Living

          Costa Rica offers almost everything that you can find in North America, Canada, or Europe, and there are also many local products. Most American, Canadian, European, and Asians in Costa Rica spend much less money on day to day living expenses since it is cheaper to live here than in their home countries. Of course the cost of living depends on your lifestyle but in most ways Costa Rica is much more affordable than other countries.

Many retired couples live very well on $2,000 per month while some spend $2,500 depending on their lifestyle. This includes all of their living costs including housing, medical care, food, car or other transportation, utilities, internet, restaurants, and entertainment. A single person can live on about $1,500 and many single people spend considerably less while others spend more for extras. Real estate in particular is much more affordable in Costa Rica, with North American style homes available in nice neighborhoods at reasonable prices and low property taxes.

Costa Rica has evolved to offer pretty much everything you can find in North America or Europe even though some things are more expensive since they are imported, but you will always have quality products and services. Also, medical and dental services are much more affordable in Costa Rica than North America and the quality of the services is great.

Health Care

Fee health care is provided through the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. Costa Rica has invested heavily in public health care through the Social Security system. This has resulted in Costa Rica having the highest life expectancy in Central America, the second highest position in Latin America, and the second highest position in all the Americas at 80.3 years, just behind Canada at 82.8 years and ahead of Chile at 80.1 years. Costa Rica also has a “Blue Zone” in Nicoya, Guanacaste, where many people live active lives past the age of one hundred years. This may be due to the stress free lifestyle, the warm weather, the importance of family, and in general a better quality of life.
There are three general national hospitals, five specialized national hospitals, eight regional hospitals, and thirteen peripheral hospitals. They offer primary care, family and community medical services, and prevention programs. Patients can also choose private health care in accredited hospitals and with private doctors.


If you like beaches and spending your time with fun and relaxing then you will love Costa Rica. We have both the Pacific Ocean coast and the Caribbean Sea coast with beautiful beaches, white sand.
Since Costa Rica is located in the center of Central America the geography is varied and this makes it an interesting location with its rivers, mountains, volcanoes, beaches and tropical forests. There are three different mountain ranges in Costa Rica and two of the ranges are volcanic ranges. Due to different micro-climate areas the temperature in Costa Rica varies from sixty degrees Fahrenheit at night to seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit during the day in the Central Valley and between seventy degrees Fahrenheit at night to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit during the day at the beaches. This makes for a great choices in weather and you can choose whatever you like for living and retirement.

Our services 

Our promise to you is instead of locating a real estate agent or private developer that directs you to his or her geographical area that increases their commission, we discover what best fits your needs. This process might take over a year to decide and we are with you every step of the way. Our services to you the buyer are free but that doesn’t mean I direct you to an agent or development and walk away. You will have every contract approved by the finest attorney’s in Costa Rica, with international experience if needed.

Establishing residency in Costa Rica is extremely easy process with legal representation and average income and we have a wonderful associate to assist if you need. 

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Immigration Services